Welcome and thank you for your interest in working with Cedar Fort Publishing & Media as your publishing partner.


Please fill out the form completely, including a thorough marketing plan. Your submission is reviewed for both its quality and its marketability as the publisher invests significant capital in each project. Your ability to actively promote your work and brand is an important consideration during the process. Please include any audience or following you have built for your name or brand and the platforms you use, if applicable.

We highly recommend you get your book proofread before sending it in—at very least put it through an editing software, like Grammarly. 

*You will be required to turn in two 1-minute videos with your submission: one video introducing yourself, and one introducing your book. You will not be able to submit without these videos.*

In harmony with our company values, we reserve the right to remove any profanity, violence, graphic, and/or sexual content in any book accepted for publication. We recommend you remove this type of content before submitting your book to us.

After reviewing our guidelines, scroll to the bottom where you will find links for our current genre needs.

Read and follow the submission guidelines carefully to ensure your manuscript is not delayed and receives the attention you desire.

Due to our processes for evaluation, manuscripts must be submitted electronically. Please note: All physical submissions received will be discarded.


  • Poetry
  • Short Stories
  • Memoirs
  • Erotica
  • Queries and Proposals
  • Fiction (teen and adult)

FORMATTING GUIDELINES - Please read carefully. Manuscripts that don't follow these guidelines will be asked to resubmit. 

  • Cover page: On the first page include full name, address, phone number(s), email address, word count, and date submitted.
  • Page headers: On each consecutive page include headers with last name, manuscript title (abbreviated if necessary), and page number. DO NOT restart pagination with each new section or chapter. [Example: Jones/My Great Novel/20]
  • 8½" x 11" paper
  • 1-inch margins
  • 12-point font
  • Times New Roman font
  • Double-spaced
  • Left-aligned
  • Save file as .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, or .rft. It can be up to 400 MB.
  • Word Count. (Ideal length is between 60 to 80K. We will accept shorter, but NOTHING longer than 90K. This includes footnotes and endnotes.)


Cedar Fort reviews all manuscript and product submissions through Submittable. This form provides access to Submittable by allowing creators to sign into an existing account or to create a free account.

The average submission consideration process takes a minimum of sixty (60) days with consideration for major US holidays and any unforeseen delays. We take submissions for children's books all year, but only review them in May and November, so the wait time will vary depending on when you submit and what month your book is placed in. 

Inquiries about submissions before the standard review period are not appreciated and only cause more delays in the workload for our acquisitions team.

We accept simultaneous submissions, but we request the courtesy of letting us know if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere so we can remove your manuscript from the acquisitions review process.

If Cedar Fort chooses not to accept and publish your manuscript, and/or you would prefer to participate in our Self-Publishing services, please visit our website https://www.cedarfort.com/pages/publishingservice for further details and to contact a member of our team.

Note: If your book makes it past the first round of submissions, we'll request two 1-minute videos from you. If we don't receive these videos within a month of requesting them, your book will be rejected. Please keep an eye on your inbox and spam folders. 

Why Publish with Cedar Fort?

Cedar Fort is a mid-level independent publisher with over 36 years of experience, specializing in acquiring and distributing uplifting works of nonfiction which include: LDS topics, General nonfiction, cookbooks, outdoor guides, and children’s books. To see a visual selection of our books and to gain greater insight into our publishing needs, please review our website at https://www.cedarfort.com/. We partner collaboratively with content creators to publish wholesome materials that entertain, uplift, and enrich individuals to strengthen families and community.

Our experienced editors assist in developing a creator’s work while maintaining their voice and style. Our talented cover designers are renowned as some of the best in the market.  We work with first-time and previously published authors and accept both unagented and agented submissions.

As a competitor in the national market, Cedar Fort’s books are available through major distribution channels including but not limited to national and international distributor partners, and other retail corporations including Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Deseret Book, Seagull Book, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Costco, Walmart, and Sam’s Club.

Cedar Fort’s gift line, Pioneer Plus, actively looks for submissions and ideas for a wide variety of games, jewelry, stationery, home decor, and products that align with our company values.

Find out more about Cedar Fort by visiting: https://www.cedarfort.com/pages/submit.


Ready to submit your religious nonfiction manuscript? Great! Keep on reading. 

Looking for the general nonfiction page? Click here.
Want to submit to a different category? Check out our submissions page.

We're specifically looking for the following genres: 

  • LDS doctrine
  • Scripture reference
  • Inspirational topics
  • Gift books
  • Historical
  • Near-death experiences

Not currently accepting:

  • Short stories
  • Poetry
Nonfiction books for adults, including, but not limited to:
  • True Accounts of Real Life Events
  • Crafts, Hobbies, Design
  • Health & Wellness
  • History
  • Science
  • Business 
  • Religion 
  • Unique Journal Designs
  • Family and Relationships
  • Games & Entertainment
  • Reference
  • Self-Help
Early nonfiction chapter books for ages 6-10. This includes but is not limited to science, history, health, and crafts.
Please include a 1-page, 12-pt., single-spaced synopsis and a 2 paragraph summary in your submission. 
Word count: 2,000-20,000 for chapter books.

Preferred file format: .doc or docx

Fiction or nonfiction books for children aged 0-8 with an LDS-specific theme and illustrations. We would like the ability for one character to be customizable (be able to enter a child's name and attributes into the book).

As of Feb. 15, 2023, we are updating our children's book submission guidelines.

We will now review children's submissions 2 times each year in April and November.

You may submit children's books between these dates, but we will not consider your submission until the following review period (therefore our response may be several months after your initial submission). Typically, submissions received the month before review get pushed back to the following review period due to submission quantities. 

You do not need to submit illustrations, but if you have them, please include.

Maximum word count: 1500 words.

Fiction or nonfiction books for children aged 0-8 with a general religious theme and illustrations. We would like one character to be customizable, which means the name and attributes of the main character should be able to change.

You do not need to submit illustrations, but if you have them, please include samples.

Maximum word count: 1500 words.

Includes but is not limited to health/diet cookbooks, make-ahead books, Dutch oven and outdoor cooking, holiday/seasonal books, desserts and sweets, and organic foods. At least 30% of manuscript must be composed of recipes to qualify as a cookbook.
We are continually looking for current or upcoming food trends and/or books from bloggers.

Typical recipe count: 50-150

We are continually looking for books that apply to a national audience over a broad range of interests and climates.

Any non-book product idea including design elements or packaging information that might be pertinent. If you are submitting a book manuscript, please choose another option.

Cedar Fort, Inc.